Sep 2Liked by Synthesizing The Beatles

😂😂😂😂😂 what's interesting is bits of the story ARE true. George and Paul did go on a hitchhiking trip together when they were 15/16. There's even photographic proof. Paul did allegedly set his trousers on fire (and not from lying!) by sitting on someone's car or truck battery and his pocket zippers heating up to the point of scorching his arse (George told this story more than once so I'm assuming it actually occured). John and Paul took a different trip together so Nurk Twins etc

Of course the disrespect towards George re: Macca teaching him guitar as if he didn't pick it up on his own, his parents didn't save up to buying him one etc is irksome. As well as "I've got loads of schoolwork to catch up on," said George never. The fact that the Beatles Monthly indulged on such crap is ridiculous.

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There's a whole lot of mixing truth with fantasy in those early publications. It's weird. I don't get, for example, why they had to take a perfectly fine story about George and Paul's trip and force John into it. Wait until I get to the Nerk Twins story! Ha!

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Sep 2Liked by Synthesizing The Beatles

Its almost like they had to glue John and Paul together no matter what, and make George as an afterthought (nevermind poor Ritchie) to keep the myth of Lennon & McCartney (or McLennon *cough*) going at any cost. It's ridiculous.

Can't wait for the Nerk Twins variations. 😂

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Yup. That's it exactly.

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